-I couldn't agree with you more Catherine
With Atlus releasing the English demo of Catherine for XBL and PSN, now people get their chance to play the game and listen to the awesome voice actors chosen for this story heavy adventure game. Now when you download the demo you are greeted by a very creepy, yet stylized menu for the game. Now the demo is a bit sparse on ways to play, but the 30-45 minute demo you get (depending on if you are familiar with the gameplay or not). You get to play the 1st and 2nd levels in the puzzle part of the game and showing off how Vincent will use in phone in the game by texting his girlfriend Katherine. If you have any interest in the game at all defiantly check out the demo and if you are worried for spoilers, don't if you have seen a trailer you don't learn anything new story wise. Finally, if you were worried about the voice actors don't Atlus really picked some great talent and can't wait to hear more in the full version.
Now I have a couple of complaints I saw in the demo as well as the game, depending on weather or not Atlus fixes them. The 1st issue is a very small one, the game should have a screen size option and the 2nd issue is about the voice volume in cut scenes. To elaborate in the anime cut scenes the volume for voices is normal, but in the in game cinematics the music is fine, but voices seem very quiet (I don't own a surround sound system, but uesed my surround sound headphones and had the same issue). I have contacted Atlus looking for a answer to my issue and will keep you updated. So to fix these problems Catherine's options menu need more than vibrate and invert controls on the left and right stick.
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