-Even after months of eating Subway I seemed to miss 2 pieces of DLC
Subway had a couple of different offers a while ago involving Infamous 2 and DLC that was impossible to get any other way. I was lucky enough to get every DLC except a cool new power called the stalker grenade and 3 new side missions by Sucker Punch and not just UGC levels these are 3 totally different level ranging from quick and simple to slightly difficult. Just this week Sony released every piece of DLC for those like me who didn't get everything and didn't wanna pay out the ass for it on Ebay. each piece is available for 99 cents and most are bundled to save a bit of cash which is nice. After trying out the new missions and powers for $1.98 it was worth going back to my 100% playthrough.
-HEY get your Toy Story out of my LBP2.....wait that's not half bad
Two weeks ago there was a Toy Story level and Costume pack. Everything was great, but one thing was missing there were costumes in the level that were not in the store to buy and I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO PLAY AS WOODY! Now this week the Toy Story 2 pack was released and with it the following costumes are available to use Slink, Hamm, Rex, Buzz, Woody, Jessie, Pete, Zerg. Each costume pack has 4 costumes and is $6 each which if you are into Toy Story and LBP2 like me they are a pick up for sure.
When it comes to the Level Pack you get 5 new level with tons of stickers, objects, and music. As well as 2 mini-game levels and 2 cinematic levels. For the price $6 this pack pays for itself and the only real complaint is there are no trophies which is a bit of a complaint for a trophy whore like me.
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