Thursday, February 23, 2012

Why wouldn't anyone wanna hire me...??? Also long time no see everyone!

Seriously things are a bit desperate with me at the moment

 Well everybody 2012 is quite a mixed bag for me and my free time seems to be gasping for a breath of fresh air. I have finally found a time to do some blogging and will try to do more, but for now I will be talking about whats going on with me so far.

A picture my girlfriend found
with her as mew and me
as mewtwo.
To Start off I would be a bad person if I didn't talk about someone new in my life who has made me happier than I ever thought I could be. I have got myself an amazing, cute, funny girlfriend. She is the first girl I have ever actually fallen in love with and not just because she said "I love you" and I wanted to make her happy, Whenever I say "I Love You" to this girl I mean every single part about it. She has helped me out in more ways than I can count and makes me feel special every single time I talk to her. It really feels nice to finally be with someone who is so importent to me and I don't have to worry about the same things I wrote about with my  last girlfriend which you can read here if you want. So if for some reason my current girl friend finds this post I just wanna tell her thanks for everything she does for me and I love her more than she can ever know.

Ok enough of the cutey relationship stuff and now time for the man baby poor me part of this I will try and make it as short as I can...
Get ready for a sad as hell moment kiddys...not really
Now the main reason things have slowed down for me as well as my blog, podcast, and free time in general... getting a JOB. As someone who is 18 and has had many small jobs, but never had a REAL steady and dependable job that I can start to earn some income on. As much as I absolutely love doing all of this stuff for people, it unfortunetly doesn't pay the bill which I am now finding out since apparently I'm becoming an  adult. Also your will to keep putting in job applications and keep trying over and over gets really freaking small when your last interview or even a call back was in September 2011. So if anyone out there would like to have any work for me that I could do online such as any freelance writing be sure to contact me by email at

Time for the fun stuff now...FIGHT!

I plan on writing some post for this week to get back into the flow of things and hopefully make a schedule that I can actually get into making these regular again. See you soon I hope. Thanks for all of your support by the way if you like MMO's you should defiantly check out my friends new blog Ziral's Hangout which you can see by clicking here.
Also I am getting ridiculously hyped for
Street Fighter X Tekken
Get your kicks from Cross Assault here! 

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