I am not totally in love with the art for Infamous. As I put in my Assassin's Creed The Fall review I really liked how the cover art matched the art inside the comic book. There is not to much detail on the characters faces which is a bit of a turn off. The enviorment is drawn very well though and really brings out the feel of a dead and defeated Empire City. Also a major complaint with the art is the shading is over done quite a bit to the point where when you 1st see Zeke it looks like he has a moustache. So hopefully my complaints will be dealt with in later issues.
*I have written these assuming you have beaten the 1st Infamous*
The story starts off 4 months prior to Cole getting his powers. It starts off with us finding out Moya (The government) had at one time been working with and funding Kessler and the First Son's development of the Ray Sphere. Kessler shows Moya that he has discovered that if a conduit (able to use powers from the ray sphere) used the ray sphere multiple time the conduit would gain new powers without losing their past power. The conduit being tested was a man called David who was a security guard for the First Sons. After all of these test David was horribly mutated.
Next we see what exactly happened to Cole when he was dropping off the package which contained the ray sphere. After Kessler gave him the wrong address he then told Cole to open the package and would then give him $500. After he opened it the ray sphere explodes immediately. We now skip ahead 24 days this is 3 days after Cole kills Kessler, Cole's girlfriend Trish is killed by Kessler, and the first game ends. The news is doing a special with a military official lying to them saying that everything is under control and the plague is almost completely cured, this was all just a huge cover-up by the government.
You now see Cole mourning the death of Trish, he has still not forgiven himself for letting her die. Cole is now greeted by Warden Harms who is one of the few people he can still trust. The two plan on destroying one of the last First Son's hideouts in the Historic district. you now go back to Moya present day and see she has captured Alden the dust men's leader who had supposedly died after jumping off a bridge. They are planning on some Invasion plan on Empire City and need to cut Alden open weather he is willing or not.
Cole, Warren, Zeke, and the Police take on the First Son's hideout and with Cole's help they are easily defeated. In the aftermath of their victory Zeke goes to congratulate Cole, but he has still not forgiven Zeke for betraying him among other things. The scene now goes to a First Son research facility where David was being kept. Now without anyone keeping watch on him he burst out and is now free to roam Empire City. You now see Cole and Zeke on the streets of the Warren District kicked out due to the danger of Empire City and now they can't live on their roof anymore. Zeke is now told by Cole what he learned from Kessler and why he is having such a hard time forgiving him. This was probably the best part in the whole issue. I am very interested to see what happens to Zeke and Cole's friendship after the first game. This Issue ends with David visiting his wife who he finds overdosed in their house. Now in a mad rage David finds Cole and thinks he is Kessler in disguise and plans on killing him for revenge.
Closing Comments
I was not terribly disappointed with the first issue of Infamous I was just expecting a bit more, but I can defiantly see an interesting story with David and Cole. I am hoping some of my complaints with the art are dealt with, but I don't expect much. Still I can get use to it and might grow to like it. Still I am a big fan of the background art and can't wait to see more of Empire City. I was a bit disappointed to see no real tie in with Infamous 2.
I give Infamous #1 7/10
I thought I would point out this weird little mistake I found. This says the Historic District, but that statue looks just like the one in the Neon. Oops
You are right on the statue, I guess the artiest didn't play the game all that much, lol.